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The Meaning of Gratitude

There’s a popular saying, “Gratitude turns what we have into enough,” that feels especially meaningful this Thanksgiving. 2020 has been a long, hard year for millions of Americans who have lost so much due to the COVID-19 pandemic: loved ones, physical and mental health, jobs, milestones, and connections.  In the wake of these losses, it

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Self-Paid Label

Thank you for taking the extra step to cover shipping costs for your donated devices! Not only is your device donation tax-deductible, so are the shipping costs. 

Simply click and print this preaddressed label and follow the shipping instructions below:

1. Count the number of donated phones for your records.

2. Place the phones flat across the bottom of the box and layer them with newspaper or bubblewrap to avoid damage.

3. Keep batteries attached to phones. If there is no battery, place tape over terminal ends.

4. Due to federal shipping regulations, you must print a battery warning label for each package. Click here to print. Affix one label to the outside of each box. 

5. You must affix (USPS) or a prepay waybill (UPS, FedEx, DHL) in order for your package to reach us.

5. You will not receive an e-mail confirmation when your package arrives. Click here to print a donation receipt.