Archives: Members
Courtney Bergquist
Veteran Mobile Program Director
As the eldest of the Bergquist children, Courtney has proudly witnessed her siblings and parents serve active-...
Ryan Hellerstedt
Chief Operating Officer
Ryan is a retired 25 year Army veteran, father of six and grandfather of four. Recognizing the needs of vete...
Dan Minton
IT Director
Manage and direct all IT activities in support of Cell Phones For Soldiers. Experience: 25+ years as an IT Pr...
Brittany Bergquist
As a small child, Brittany Bergquist was not your average kid. A child of two public educators, Bergquist’s ph...
Robbie Bergquist
Founder and Director
Rob Bergquist is Director & Co-Founder of Cell Phones for Soldiers. Founding with his sister Brittany at a...